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DEAR PLSs , Thursday, July 29, 2010

Do Lab 7 now !!

Cheers !!

Ray !~

PL1001S'11 ROCK.
Pls remember the guy that make this blog;x
{*12:28 PM}

DEAR PLSs , Friday, July 23, 2010

As all of you know how to use coordinates to link up a picture?

Kuhan has a job some of you ! if u wanna a challange you can try this !!

Above picture has 4 Books, Try to use coordinates to link up this 4 books to different links;
Example: red book to google, blue book to yahoo, yellow book to facebook, green book to youtube..

Try this during the weekends, if u can =)
Cheers ~ !!


PL1001S'11 ROCK.
Pls remember the guy that make this blog;x
{*12:00 AM}

DEAR PLSs , Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Please follow the steps below !

1)Login Your Student Portal.
2)Click on Email at the top.
3)You will be redirected to a page where Email and Password is shown.
4)Send the Email to Desmond See at dessmond_see@hotmail.com. ( e.g example@connect.ite.edu.sg )

Please send it as soon as possible !



PL1001S'11 ROCK.
Pls remember the guy that make this blog;x
{*7:47 PM}