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DEAR PLSs , Saturday, March 20, 2010

Just an curiosity idea whether the class want a T-Shirt or not,
Cost is around maybe $30^. Let see how the votes will go. Design will be chosen later part if this idea is agreeable

We won't actually force you guys to buy it ! Just give a rough answer on whether you guys want to have a class T-shirt. A month of voting, Please visit blog frequently to check the latest update !

Voting are available at the left side of the column.

By: Ray;


PL1001S'11 ROCK.
Pls remember the guy that make this blog;x
{*9:48 PM}

DEAR PLSs , Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Update (March 10)

The following students' application have been approved :
- Ang Ding Zheng
- Carrie Lim
- Deepak
- Haqqi
- Aliff
- Syamil

- Cintaka (PCI exceed $750)

Those who have not submitted, please do so ASAP:
More regarding Opportunity Fund

The OF subsidy is for 80% of the price of the PC/laptop purchase or $500, whichever is lower i.e if a PC cost $1,800, 80% of the price is $1,440 --> however, student will only be eligible for an OF subsidy of $500.  Student may proceed to purchase the PC/laptop, then submit the original receipt together with a letter of approval (which we will be sending to the students) to Customer & Visitor Centre, Student Services dropbox.  We will then reimburse the subisdy amount to the student. 

Please note that the student will need to submit a GIRO form (forms available at CVC) together with their receipts or submit the GIRO earlier in order for Finance to create vendor ID.  Student need only complete part I of the GIRO form (no need to go to the bank for endorsement) and attach a copy of the front page of his bank book (the page with name & account no.). 

PC Roadshow at CE - 27 Apr to 29 Apr 10
We will be having a PC roadshow from 27 Apr to 29 Apr 10 at CE.  Participating vendors include Lenovo, Acer, Fujitsu, Apple.  They will also be bringing along their netbooks for sale to staff & students.  For PC/laptops/netbooks purchased at the roadshow, students who have already been approved the OF subsidy, do not need to pay the full amount for the PC.  He will only need to pay his share i.e if the laptop costs $1,200, he will only need to pay the vendor $700 upon deliver.  The vendor will bill ITE the balance of $500.


PL1001S'11 ROCK.
Pls remember the guy that make this blog;x
{*5:00 PM}

DEAR PLSs , Monday, March 15, 2010

Own a blog(s)? Are you an active "new" media evangelist? Take note of the following!


PL1001S'11 ROCK.
Pls remember the guy that make this blog;x
{*8:54 AM}

DEAR PLSs , Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Following the fire incident at ITE Dover, would like to reiterate to students
- Remember to shut down the PC and switch off the mains if your class happens to be the last for the day


PL1001S'11 ROCK.
Pls remember the guy that make this blog;x
{*10:15 AM}